Practical Information
The Registration Desk will be located in the Ground Floor and will be operating within the following timetable:
June 14 09:00-18:00h
June 15,16,17,18 08:00-18:00 h
No name changes can be made on site. Name substitutions on site will be treated as new registrations. A lost badge can be replaced for a fee of US$ 30.-
Accommodation, Tours and Transportation desk is located in the Ground Floor
The ICEM 2020 includes a commercial exhibition that will be open during congress hours Admittance to the technical exhibit hall is limited to registered participants.
All sessions will be in English. However, simultaneous translation into Spanish will be provided at Plenary Sessions. Please check the program where sessions with simultaneous translation have been identified with this symbol in the pocket program. Headphones and receivers for speakers and delegates will be handed over and collected at the entrance of the meeting room.
All session rooms are equipped with LCD projection for PowerPoint presentation.
Speakers are asked to hand in their presentation at least 1 ½ hours before the lecture if not already uploaded earlier.
Speakers making their presentation in the early morning sessions should ensure that they have checked-in during the previous day.
To ensure smooth transition between speakers and appropriate audiovisual technical support, it is requested that speakers do not plan on connecting their laptop to the LCD projector, nor even bring their own LCDs.
smoke_free Smoking Policy
This is a non-smoking event. Smoking is not allowed in meeting rooms, exhibition, poster areas, hospitality rooms, registration area, restrooms, and halls. Please help keep the conference premises a non-smoking environment.
Certificate of Attendance
The Certificate of Attendance will be available for online downloading directly from the Congress website from June 25, 2020 by entering your badge registration number and last name. Please keep your badge handy so that you can print your certificate.
The Certificate of Attendance can be downloaded for a period of six months using the registration number found on your badge. Please note that the Congress Secretariat will not mail certificates to participants after the event.
Found items should be returned to the Registration Desk. If you lose or find something, please report to this desk for assistance.
The cloakroom will be located close the Room C, open during congress hours. Please be sure to collect all personal belongings at the end of each day.
The Organizing Committee and Ana Juan Congresos cannot accept liability for injuries or losses of whatever nature incurred by participants and/or accompanying persons, nor for loss or damage to their luggage and/or personal belongings. Delegates participate in all tours and events at their own risk. Participants are advised to take out insurance against loss, accidents or damage that could incur during the Congress.